2022 Most Modern Kitchen Cabinet Models and Decoration Ideas
2022 modern kitchen models focus on reflecting the unique mood ofeach individual and customizing the time spent in the kitchen. For this reason,versatility, comfort, lighting, and entertainment have reached a very importantposition in modern kitchens.
The central stereotype of the house, voiced inancient times, is more realistic than ever. Part of life at home is spent in kitchens. Hence, even specialworkstations are reaching modern kitchenmodels. Since we do not want to spendthe whole day looking at the ordinary and classic cabinets of our kitchen,modern solutions are among the best alternatives.
At the same time, you cantake these solutions to the next level by using smart systems within the scopeof modern kitchen cabinets.
1- Open Plan Kitchens
One of the latest trends amongmodernized kitchens is large andopen-plan kitchens. In addition to giving a more spacious feeling, it alsoincludes a more organized appearance. At the same time, island-type kitchen countertops with cabinets or sinks have becomequite common in the kitchen. The choice of cabinet colors is very important instylish and modern kitchens.
Although light tones and white colors aregenerally chosen, the harmony of contrast colors is among the favorites today.Apart from that, the selection of chandeliers and accessories is also importantin terms of providing the integrity of the kitchen.
2- Cabinet Doors Representing theKitchen
The variety of modern kitchen decoration ideas depends on the widthof the kitchen and the appearance of the cabinet and door chosen. The followingkitchen cabinet doors are among themost preferred;
a- Lake Kitchens
Glossy-coated lacquered cabinet types, which clearlyshow cleanliness and radiance, have succeeded in keeping themselves at the topof modern kitchen preferences with their appearance. It also has a very richrange of colors.
b- Membrane Kitchens
Membrane cabinet door type is among the choices because of its matteand glossy properties, it is pressed on MDF as a whole and it provideslong-lasting use. Membrane cabinet doors are produced in both matte and glossyforms. Among the colors, there are pastel colors with wood texture and colorswith patterned motifs. Membrane kitchens, which are highly resistant to waterand humidity, are preferred in both modern and country-style kitchens.
c- Acrylic Kitchens
Acrylic cabinets made with membrane-like coating techniquesare among the choices, with their features such as stain-proofing and easycleaning. Acrylic kitchens are amongthe indispensable first choices of modern kitchens. It has succeeded inreplacing those old Formica and glossy lacquer kitchens with a glossy smoothsurface like glass.
Since the coating material is used thicker in the acryliccabinet door, it does not cover the side parts, but still maintains its placeamong the most preferred ones in modern kitchens.
d- Wooden Kitchens
Wooden kitchens are very suitable for modern homes in termsof giving a more natural appearance and contributing to stylish integrity. Inaddition, wooden cabinet doors are among the indispensable things from the pastto the future.
If you need wholesale kitchen cabinets, you can read our other blog posts.
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